
Ninja System Adjustment Notice

Dear Ninja,

On June 14th(UTC+0), we will be welcoming the first wave of updates related to the Half-year Anniversary. This wave of updates contains a lot of adjustments and new contents. In this notice, we will first introduce the adjustments to Ninja System and release remaining content in later announcements.

1. Combat Ninja Adjustment

After update, Combat Ninja [Kuro] and [Riki] will change into [Epic Ninja] and will be available for Rarity Upgrade to Legendary Ninja as your Ninja Rank is improved. You can obtain fragments of [Kuro] and [Riki] from Ninja Rank Rewards or from Ninja Cultivation.

For players who already own Kuro or Rki, their strength, Rarity, and Perks will remain the same. The added Kuro/Riki Fragments in pre-claimed Ninja Rank upgrade rewards will be sent via mail.

※ Every player will get a certain number of Special Spirits based on the total number of obtained Kuro/Riki Fragments before the update. Rare Spirits can be used to exchange many items after the update, including Fragments of other Ninjas, SS Unidentified Recipe, Gold Key, Fate Amulet, Super Spanner, and other items.

For other Combat Ninjas, they will be changed into [Legendary Ninja].

2. Ninja Talent Adjustment

After update, the Talent system will be divided into Element Talent and Ninja Talent. Element Talent takes effect on all Ninjas of the same Element. (For example, Fire Element Talent takes effect on Kuro, Pepper, Dragon Flame Kuro, and other Fire Element Epic Ninjas). Ninja Talent only takes effect on the corresponding Ninja.

※ After the update, some pre-activated Talents will be moved to Element Talent and will need to re-activate. Corresponding number of Element Stones will be compensated along with the movement. Some pre-activated Talents will reduce the number of required Element Stones, and the extra number of Element Stones will be compensated. All compensations will be sent via mail after maintenance.

3. Ninja Level-up Coins Requirement Adjustement

After the update, the required number of Coins of some Levels will be reduced. The extra Coins consumed in previous leveling-up will be compensated via mail.

4. Ninja Cultivation System Added

After the update, the Ninja Cultivation System will be added. Players can consume Riceballs to select and cultivate Kuro, Riki, or other owned Legendary Ninjas to get corresponding Ninja Fragment each time.

5. Support Ninja Adjustment

After the update, all [Support Ninja] will be changed into [Epic Ninja] and will be available to fight on the battlefield. Epic Ninjas will have their own Perks, Support Skills, Ninja Talents, and Ninjutsu. 

After the update, Epic Ninja will unlock some Perks according to corresponding pre-consumed Fragments. Extra Fragments will be returned to players. Support Skills of Epic Ninja will need to be re-learned in Support Skill Interface. (After learning, the level of Support Skills will remain the same as before the update.)

After the update, some Epic Ninjas will be unavailable to fight and will be temporarily removed from the wish event. In later updates, they will be brought back gradually.

After the update, voice-overs of some Epic Ninjas will only be available in Japanese. Voice-overs of other languages will be added in later updates.

For Epic Ninjas, their level limit is Lv.70. They will be unavailable for awakening or equipping Sub-weapons.

We are very sorry about the inconvenience brought by the adjustment above. As compensation, we will send Jade x3000 via mail after the update.

Thank you again for your support of Ninja Must Die!

Ninja Must Die Team